Submission Time:
Bel-Air Village

Village Policies
1. Security policies between the period 12 midnight 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.
a. All drivers of incoming and outgoing vehicles including those with Bel-Air or Makati Intervillage stickers must roll down their windows for inspection;
b. Ingress into and egress from the Village will only be allowed at the Paseo de Roxas main gate (for Phase 1, 3 and 4) and Orbit main gate (for Phase 2); and
c. Outgoing drivers, who are unaccompanied by their employers, will be required to either deposit their BAVA IDs with the Village gate guard or present a letter from their employers that they are allowed to bring their car out of the Village premises, and in the absence of either, said drivers will be subjected to verification procedure.
2. Parking and traffic rules
a. Residents are not allowed to reserve parking spaces along Village streets by placing signs such as “No Trespassing”, “No Parking”, and/or placing chairs, boxes, and other objects. All signs and objects placed on the streets shall be removed and confiscated by Village security guards and the residents shall be given a written warning to stop such practice. A repetition of this violation will warrant a P500.00 fine per violation. (Res. No. 2011-10-03)
b. Vehicles which are not in running condition and are parked along the Village’s streets thereby serving as a nuisance to the immediate neighbors and to the community in general be disallowed. The attention of the owners of these vehicles will be called and, if no action is taken by them, a final warning shall be given them to arrange for the removal within three (3) days, otherwise the Association will arrange for the vehicle’s towing at owner’s expense. (Resolution No. 2011-10-04)
c. Residents’ excess cars that cannot be accommodated in their garages may be parked at the area fronting their residences, and not on the opposite side of the street, but would do so at their own risk. However, BAVA would not in any manner be liable or responsible for any resultant damage. (Resolution No. 2000-11-01)
d. For every violation, a fine of P500.00 shall be imposed on non-residents who park in prohibited areas along Bel-Air streets, and on resident and non-resident owners of vehicles parked in parking areas reserved for the disabled.
Friends, relatives and guests of residents may park in front of the latter’s houses. (Resolution No. 2011-11-01)
3. Speed Limit
The speed limit inside the Village is maintained at 30 kph. Violators will be issued the corresponding BAVA Traffic and Rule Violation Citation Ticket. (Resolution No. 11-94-03)
4. Blowing of Horns
Blowing of horns inside the Village is prohibited from 10:00p.m. to 6:00a.m. of the following morning except when done to avoid accidents. Violators will be fined Php200.00 per violation. (Resolution No. 2019-01-03)
5. Use of Helmet
Motorcycle/motorbike/scooters/bike riders, rollerblades and skateboard users, and other riders are required to wear protective helmets upon entering and while riding within Bel-Air Village. Violators shall be penalized with a Php300.00 fine (Resolution No. 2019-01-03)
Resolution No. 93.10
In line with the Municipality of Makati’s drive against smoke belchers, the following policy is adopted to deal with the problem.
Smoke-belching vehicles are strictly prohibited from entering the Village and residents with smoke-belching vehicles are allowed to enter/exit on the first offense provided that they agree to have their vehicles reconditioned accordingly. On the second offense, a written warning would be issued them that the next time their vehicle would be prohibited in the Village.
Resolution No. 2010-10-01
Any vehicle parked in a “No Parking/Tow Away Zone” area or poses a threat to the safety of residents and other motorists will be immediately referred to the Makati Public Safety Authority (MAPSA) for towing. The Governor for Security or the Security’s Shift Officer is authorized to sign the apprehension receipt of MAPSA whenever a vehicle is towed within the premises of the Village.
Resolution No. 95-3-07
Street parking rules are clarified and defined as follows:
a) 6-wheelers, delivery trucks/panels, commercial vehicles and anything bigger in size are prohibited from parking along Village streets and can be parked only inside the garage of the owner;
b) street parking for private cars are allowed for as long as the cars are parked and contained along the frontage of the lot of the car owner and does not protrude to the frontage of the immediate lot neighbors on either side; and
c) no parking of cars across one’s property on the frontage of one’s neighbor.
Violating vehicles, after a maximum of two written notices, would be referred to the MAPSA for towing.
Resolution No. 2012-05-01
Only vehicles with valid BAVA stickers (stickers of other MIVA members do not qualify) may park overnight on Bel-Air Village streets. Violations will be subject to a fine of Five Hundred Pesos (PhpP500.00) per day. If fines levied for this violation for at least eight (8) days remain unpaid, the vehicle shall be towed away at the owner's expense, and the vehicle shall be banned from entering the Village.
Resolution No. 2016-09-02
The penalty for possessing and utilizing a fake Bel-Air Village Association vehicular sticker will be ten thousand pesos (Php10,000.00).
Resolution No. 2016-09-03
No. 2011-11-02 is hereby amended by raising the penalty imposed on drivers of vehicles parked anywhere in the village who leave their vehicle engines running from five hundred pesos (Php500.00) to two thousand pesos (Php2,000.00) for each violation.
Resolution No. 2017-11-02
Comet Street gate will be opened to outgoing vehicular traffic from 7:00-9:15 a.m. during weekdays, provided that exiting vehicles can only turn right on Jupiter going toward Nicanor Garcia Street.
Opening of Comet Street is only temporary and can be discontinued upon recommendation of the Security Committee.
Resolution No. 2018-09-01
Parking along Orbit Street is now prohibited during the period of 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and the violators of this Resolution will be penalized as follows:
First Offense
Second Offense
Third Offense
Fourth Offense
With BAVA Sticker
Cancellation of BAVA sticker
Without BAVA Sticker
Resolution No. 2018-10-01
All traffic and parking violations that carry a penalty of five hundred pesos (Php500.00) have their penalties increased to one thousand pesos (Php1,000.00).
Resolution No. 2019-02-01
The first parking slot along Amapola beside the entry gate of the Amapola gate be designated as the area where vehicles being verified upon entry into the village can temporarily park.
Any vehicle parked in this slot that is not being subjected to verification by BAVA security will be considered illegally parked and will be fined one thousand pesos (Php1,000.00).
Resolution No. 2019-07-02
Residents of Amapola Street are prohibited from parking their own vehicles along Amapola Street on the opposite side of their property.
The parking by residents of Amapola Street of their vehicles on BAVA’s Amapola Street parking slots shall be considered as illegal parking.
Any Amapola Street resident whose vehicle is parked on BAVA’s Amapola Street parking slots will be will be fined one thousand pesos (Php1,000.00) for every instance of apprehension the BAVA security personnel.
Resolution No. 2019-09-02
The Mercedes-Paseo de Roxas intersection shall become a four-way stop.
That all drivers apprehended for violating BAVA’s traffic rules and regulations shall be required to attend a reorientation regarding such traffic rules and regulations, in addition to other imposable penalties under existing rules and regulations.
5. Household Helpers
a. Residents must have their household help secure BAVA IDs within two (2) weeks from their start of employment for security reasons. Residents who do not comply will be considered members of BAVA not in good standing. (Resolution No. 2011-10-06)
b. Each new household helper must submit to the BAVA office his/her latest NBI/pPolice clearance issued by the police authorities having jurisdiction over his/her most recent residence before a BAVA ID may be issued to him/her. The police clearance must be issued not more than six (6) months prior to the date that it is submitted to the BAVA office. (Resolution No. 2011-10-05)
The household helper or service provider must attend the briefing on the rules and regulations of the village given by the Security Office prior to the release of his/her ID.
c. Curfew hours for household helpers
10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. – female/male (inside the village)
12:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. – curfew at the gate
This means that nobody is allowed to loiter around the village within these hours. Only those who are carrying a letter of authorization from their employer will be allowed to do an errand to come in and out of the village. This authorization should be coordinated with the security force.
d. All visitors of household helpers shall be allowed to enter the village only after the employer of the helper(s) confirms approval to allow the visitor to enter. The Security shall inform the employer if the visitor has not left the village within four (4) hours after entry or before[A1] 9:00 p.m., whichever is earlier. (Resolution No. 11-10-02)
We wish to remind residents terminating the services of their household help (maids, drivers, houseboys), to make sure that you confiscate their IDs and advise the security headquarters accordingly so we can update our records. In fact, we encourage you to call us when you have terminated any of your employees so we can escort them out. We have received complaints that maids or drivers, etc. whose employment have been terminated are still seen in the village. Investigations showed that these people never went out of the village but stayed with friends until they find another employer. They utilize their IDs under your employ to come in and out of the village for their own purposes. That is why it is important to confiscate their IDs.
Resolution No. 1999-01-02
There are residents who have requested BAVA to ban their household help from entering the village upon allegations of stealing, disorderly conduct, misbehavior, threat on the lives of the family, etc. The Board delegates the function of determining the extent of reasonableness of such charges to the Legal Committee and the Security Committee and for the latter to submit its recommendation to the Board for decision on who to ban.
1. General Rule on keeping of Pets
No cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, ducks, geese, roosters or rabbits shall be kept within the premises. Pets may be maintained but must be controlled in accordance with the rulings of the Association. (Item II.e, Association’s Deed Restrictions) Please refer to the Village office any questions you may have.
2. Roosters
A resident who is found to be retaining roosters within his premises would be given a written warning to remove such roosters within seven days after receipt of such warning and after the expiration of the seven-day deadline, a P500.00 fine per day shall be imposed on the erring resident/property owner. (Resolution No. 2000-09-01)
3. Dogs and Cats
a. Straying and roaming of dogs and cats and defecation of these animals in open vacant lots, sidewalks, streets, parks and in all other public places within the territorial jurisdiction of Bel-Air Village Association are prohibited. (Res. No. 2010-03-05)
b. Residents and/or household help who are found not carrying an appropriate receptacle while walking their dogs in the village would be penalized with a fine of two five hundred pesos (P2500.00). (Res. No. 2000-07-01) (Resolution No. 2019-01-03)
c. The owner of the unleashed dogs shall pay a fine of Php5,000.00. (Resolution No. 2019-10-02) If the owner fails to pay the aforesaid fine within seven days after being impounded, the unleashed dog shall be delivered to the City Pound.
d. The penalty for every incident of dog bite is Php15,000.00 and the pet owner or concerned resident shall be liable for any and all medical expenses and costs incurred by the injured persons or the owner of the injured animal. (Resolution No. 2019-10-02)
e. Residents and/or household help who are found not carrying an appropriate receptacle while walking their dogs in the village would be penalized with a fine of three Php2,000.00. (Res. No. 2000-07-01)(Resolution No. 2020-06-03)
Resolution No. 10-94-03
Obviously vicious dogs straying on the streets of the Village, when caught, would be put to sleep.
Resolution No. 2010-03-05 (amending Resolution No. 97-04-07)
1. The Association prohibits the straying and roaming of dogs and cats and defecation of dogs and cats in open vacant lots, sidewalks, streets, parks and in all other public places within the territorial jurisdiction of Bel-Air Village Association and imposes penalties for violations of this rule.
2. The Rules and Regulations, guidelines and penalties governing the provision of this Dog and Cat Rule are as follows:
Rule 1 – Owners of dogs/cats shall be prohibited from allowing said dogs/cats to roam or stray in any open vacant lot, sidewalk, street, park and in all other public places within the territorial jurisdiction of Bel-Air Village.
Rule 2 – Owners of dogs/cats shall make provisions for the proper disposal of dogs’/cats’ feces.
Rule 3 – Members of the Bel-Air Security Force shall be authorized to impound any of the animals in violation of Rules 1 and 2 above.
Rule 4 – Any person/s violating the provisions of Rule 1 shall be made to pay a fine of one thousand pesos (Php1,000.00) for the first offense; one thousand five hundred pesos (Php1,500.00) for the second offense and two thousand pesos (Php2,000.00) for the third offense, for each day the impounded dog/s or cat/s is/are not redeemed and fines paid for as hereinabove stated. Seven (7) days after being impounded, the dog/s or cat/s shall be delivered to the City Pound for their handling.
Rule 5 – Any person/s violating the provisions of Rule 2 shall be made to pay a fine of five hundred pesos (Php500.00) for the first offense; one thousand pesos (Php1,000.00) for the second offense; and one thousand five hundred pesos (Php1,500.00) for the third offense.
Resolution No. 2000-12-01
Members/residents with unpaid dog fines and other fines and fees are considered members not in good standing and therefore are not qualified to be issued BAVA intervillage vehicle stickers.
Resolution No. 2012-03-02
The Association does not tolerate the straying into and defecation of cats, in open vacant lots, sidewalks, street, parks, residential compounds and in all other public places within the territorial jurisdiction of Bel-Air Village Association and imposes penalties on the cat owners for violation of this rule.
Members of the Bel-Air Security Force shall be authorized to impound any cat in violation of the above rule. Care shall be exercised to ensure cats simply resting in front of the yards of homes where they stay shall not be impounded. Stray cats being allowed by residents to stay within their premises shall also be excluded from the impound rule. Bel-Air Security Force shall only act on complaints received from residents about stray cats inside their premises by immediately impounding the stray cats.
Cats not redeemed after paying a fine of one thousand pesos (Php1,000) shall be delivered to the City Pound for their handling seven (7) days after being impounded.
It shall be prohibited to feed stray cats outside the gates of residences and other public places within BAVA. Any person violating this rule shall be made to pay a fine of five hundred pesos (Php500.00) and the cat/cats shall be impounded. Feeding stray cats is allowed if done inside the premises of the person/persons feeding the stray cats.
Resolution No. 2012-07-02
Dogs are prohibited from entering the premises of the village’s parks. A penalty of three hundred pesos (Php300.00) will be imposed per violation on the owner of the dog.
Resolution No. 2012-07-03
Dogs involved in two biting incidents inside the Village will be banned from the village.
Resolution No. 2020-06-03
Increase the fine for the failure to clean up animal waste from the streets and public places from Php500.00 to Php2,000.00 per violation.
Resolution No. 2003-11-01
Prohibited the display of posters, streamers, signs or any material intended for commercial advertisements and announcements including election materials except those related to the activities of the Association and Barangay Bel-Air.
Resolution No. 2018-11-01
BAVA Construction Rules and Regulations penalty for construction sites with dirty frontages and residential properties with unkempt frontages be penalized with a Php2,000 fine.
Resolution No. 2019-01-03
BAVA village rules and the corresponding fines:
Conveying unauthorized person/s into the Village | Php5,000.00 |
Not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle/bicycle | Php300.00 |
Failure to clean up/remove animal waste | Php500.00 |
No provision for dog waste | Php500.00 |
Littering in public areas | Php300.00 |
Urinating on sidewalks/vacant lots | Php300.00 |
No BAVA ID/Color-coded dual ID (per person) | Php300.00 |
Workers’ decorum (per person) | Php300.00 |
Site confinement/Dress decorum (per person) | Php300.00 |
Failure to secure BAVA ID | Php500.00 |
Tampered/Fake Temporary or regular BAVA ID | Php500.00 |
Allowing another person to use BAVA ID | Php500.00 |
Major repair/s of vehicle/s along the street | Php1,000.00 |
Unauthorized advertisements and distribution of pamphlets, brochures, etc. | Php1,000.00 |
Using Village streets/sidewalks/empty lots to display any item for sale | Php1,000.00 |
Curfew violation (from 10:00pm to 5:00am for stay-in household help/domestic staff, etc. | Php1,000.00 |
Bringing liquor or any alcoholic beverages by household help/domestic staff | Php500.00 |
Possession of fake Police/NBI clearance or Falsification of public documents | Php1,000.00 |
Smoking in public areas | Php500.00 |
Gambling (per person) | Php500.00 |
Grouping of drivers/household help | Php300.00 |
Maintaining roosters, pigs, rabbits, cattle, sheep, goats, ducks, geese | Php500.00 |
Uncoordinated solicitation | Php1,000.00 |
Unauthorized storage of items in commercial quantities | Php2,000.00 |
Exposed garbage bin at the sidewalk during daytime | Php200.00 |
Bringing dogs to the Park | Php300.00 |
No BAVA ID (household help) | Php200.00 |
Painting of vehicle/s in the village or in garages | Php1,000.00 |
Horn blowing from 10:00pm to 6:00am | Php200.00 |
Loitering in the village | Php500.00 |
Shirtless persons along the street | Php500.00 |
Nuisance from 10:00pm to 7:00am | Php1,000.00 |
Open gate that obstructs the sidewalk | Php500.00 |
Resolution No. 2019-07-06
Construction hours are from 7:00AM to 7:00 PM, Mondays to Saturdays, construction works that produce considerable noise, such as drilling, hammering, grinding works and other similar activities, will only be allowed starting from 9:00AM, Mondays to Saturdays.
Residents and property owners on whose properties the noise-producing construction work emanates before 9:00 AM, Mondays to Saturdays, will be fine will be fined one thousand pesos (Php1,000.00) for every instance of apprehension by the BAVA security personnel.
Resolution No. 2019-10-01
Property owners who are found to have violated Part II (b) and (c) of the Association’s Deed Restrictions a Notice of Demand to cease and desist from such violation;
The following fines shall be imposed by the Association in case the property owner fails to cease and desist from violating the Association’s Deed Restrictions within three (3) months from receipt of the Notice of Demand from the Association:
First Notice | Php 50.00 per square meter per month |
Second Notice | Php 100.00 per square meter per month |
Third Notice | Php 200.00 per square meter per month |
Fourth Notice | Php 300.00 per square meter per month plus suspension of the right to:
a. Avail of the MIVA vehicular stickers;
b. Secure BAVA identification cards for household help/employees;
c. To use/rent the village facilities;
d. Apply for any permit, such as construction, demolition, renovation permits;
e. Any other right/privilege the Association deems applicable/necessary.
That the fines shall be cumulative;*
The fines prescribed herein, do not prevent the Association from taking the necessary legal action to enforce compliance.
*In case a member failed to cease and desist from violating Part II (b) and (c) of the Association’s Deed Restrictions within three (3) months from the receipt of the Notice of Demand from the Association, the member shall be liable to pay a penalty in the amount of Php 50.00 per square meter. However, if after one (1) month or on the fourth (4th) month, a member still fails to cease and desist from violating the Deed Restrictions, the penalty shall be increased to Php 100.00 per square meter. Then, after another month, the penalty shall be increased to Php 200.00. If, after the accommodations given, the member consistently fails to comply with the demand, then, the penalty shall be increased to Php 300.00 per square meter. In addition, the right of the member to avail of MIVA vehicular stickers, secure BAVA identification cards for household help/employees, to use/rent the village facilities; apply for any permit, such as construction, demolition, renovation permits; or any other right/privilege the Association deems applicable/necessary shall be suspended.
Resolution No. 2020-06-04
Property owners of vacant houses or lots shall be required to maintain their properties once every quarter;
Upon failure of the property owner to maintain the property within a reasonable period after written notice is served or mailed by the Association on the last known address of the property owner, BAVA would render or contract maintenance services on the property and the costs therefor shall be charged to the property owner’s account.